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Is it possible to test what User Rights the current user has?

Hi, I have a BeforeCheckInChanges Event Handler which blocks certain actions by raising an error
I want it to only apply to normal users, and not users who have 'Full control of vault' rights - MFUserAccountVaultRoleFullControl

I can set or remove certain roles from a user account in an AfterCreateUserAccount Event Handler:


And according to this the BeforeCheckInChanges event has access to 'CurrentUserID' and 'CurrentUserSessionInfo'

But then looking at it appears SessionInfo has some roles like CanManageCommonViews, but nothing for Full control of vault.

How do I test if the current user has Full control of vault?
Or failing that, test for CanManageCommonViews, as our admins will have that

I feel like I've found most of what I'd need to figure this out, but am struggling to put the pieces together
Many thanks