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Err.raise MFScriptCancel generates an "Object Required" error

Hello everyone,

I've been struggling with a strange error coming up while i'm doing some vbscript on Workflows.
When I use Err.raise MFScriptCancel, "blabla" it generates an error message : "Object Required"

Can somebody help me with that ?

Thank you in advance

' Check on document creation that a document with the same Document ID does not exist

' Get the properties of the object

Const DOCUMENT_OBJECTTYPE = 0  ' Document Object Type
Const SUPPLIER_PROPERTY = 1042 ' Supplier Property
Const CONFIRMED_ORDER_NUMBER_PROPERTY = 1302 'Confirmed order number property
Const CONFIRMED_ORDER_CLASS_NUMBER = 29 'Confirmed order class number
Const CLASS_PROPERTY = 100 'Class Property
CONST PROJECT_PROPERTY = 1320 ' Project Property
CONST PROJECT_A3_PROPERTY = 1075 'A3 Project Property
CONST PROJECT_A3_BOOLEAN_PROPERTY = 1373 ' Projet A3 boolean
CONST CONFIRMED_ORDER_DATE_PROPERTY = 1231 'Confirmed order Date property
CONST CONFIRMED_ORDER_SUBJECT_PROPERTY = 1304 ' Confirmed order subject property
Dim PropertyValues : Set PropertyValues = Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.GetProperties( ObjVer, True )

'If the object is a document and belongs to the "Confirmation de commande" class
if( ObjVer.Type = DOCUMENT_OBJECTTYPE) and (PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(CLASS_PROPERTY).TypedValue.DisplayValue = "Confirmation de commande") then

		 err.raise mfscriptcancel, "yourmessage here" 
	  'Get current property
	  Dim Supplier : Supplier = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(SUPPLIER_PROPERTY).TypedValue.DisplayValue               
	  Dim confirmedOrderNumber : confirmedOrderNumber = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(CONFIRMED_ORDER_NUMBER_PROPERTY).TypedValue.DisplayValue
	  Dim projectValue : projectValue = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(PROJECT_PROPERTY).TypedValue.DisplayValue

	  'Get the A3 Project instead if it's mentioned		
	  Dim isProjectA3 : isProjectA3 = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(PROJECT_A3_BOOLEAN_PROPERTY).TypedValue.Value
	  if (isProjectA3 = TRUE) then
	  	projectValue = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(PROJECT_A3_PROPERTY).TypedValue.DisplayValue
	  End if

	  Dim confirmedOrderDateValue : confirmedOrderDateValue = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(CONFIRMED_ORDER_DATE_PROPERTY).TypedValue.DisplayValue
	  Dim confirmedOrderSubjectValue : confirmedOrderSubjectValue = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(CONFIRMED_ORDER_SUBJECT_PROPERTY).TypedValue.DisplayValue
	  'Create a reusable search condition to create Conditions to add to a Condition set
	  'Purpose is to search for documents with same suppliers and invoice numbers to get duplicatas
	  Dim Condition : Set Condition = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.SearchCondition")
	  'Create a search conditions set 
	  Dim ConditionSet : Set ConditionSet = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.SearchConditions")
	  'Create condition : Non deleted objects
	  Condition.ConditionType = MFConditionTypeEqual
	  Condition.Expression.DataStatusValueType = MFStatusTypeDeleted
	  Condition.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeBoolean, False
	  ConditionSet.Add -1, Condition
	  'Create condition : Documents only
	  Condition.ConditionType = MFConditionTypeEqual
	  Condition.Expression.DataStatusValueType = MFStatusTypeObjectTypeID
	  Condition.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeLookup, DOCUMENT_OBJECTTYPE
	  ConditionSet.Add -1, Condition

	  'Create condition : Confirmed order only
	  Condition.ConditionType = MFConditionTypeEqual
	  Condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = CLASS_PROPERTY
	  Condition.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeLookup, CONFIRMED_ORDER_CLASS_NUMBER 
	  ConditionSet.Add -1, Condition
	  'Get the SUPPLIER_PROPERTY of the object.
	  Condition.ConditionType = MFConditionTypeEqual
	  Condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = SUPPLIER_PROPERTY
	  Condition.TypedValue.SetValue 1, Supplier
	  ConditionSet.Add -1, Condition

	  'Get the PROJECT of the object.
	  Condition.ConditionType = MFConditionTypeEqual
	  Condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = PROJECT_PROPERTY
	  Condition.TypedValue.SetValue 1, projectValue ' 1 = MFDatatypeText
	  ConditionSet.Add -1, Condition
	  ' Get the Confirmed Order Number of the object
	  Condition.ConditionType = MFConditionTypeEqual
	  Condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = CONFIRMED_ORDER_NUMBER_PROPERTY
	  Condition.TypedValue.SetValue 1, confirmedOrderNumber ' 1 = MFDatatypeText
	  ConditionSet.Add -1, Condition

	  ' Get the Confirmed Order Date of the object
	  Condition.ConditionType = MFConditionTypeEqual
	  Condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = CONFIRMED_ORDER_DATE_PROPERTY
	  Condition.TypedValue.SetValue 5, confirmedOrderDateValue 
	  ConditionSet.Add -1, Condition

	  ' Get the Confirmed Order Subject of the object
	  Condition.ConditionType = MFConditionTypeEqual
	  Condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = CONFIRMED_ORDER_SUBJECT_PROPERTY
	  Condition.TypedValue.SetValue 1, confirmedOrderSubjectValue ' 1 = MFDatatypeText
	  ConditionSet.Add -1, Condition
	  'Let out void offers
	  Condition.ConditionType = MFConditionTypeNotEqual
	  Condition.Expression.DataPropertyValuePropertyDef = CONFIRMED_ORDER_NUMBER_PROPERTY
	  Condition.TypedValue.SetValue 1, "" 
	  ConditionSet.Add -1, Condition
	  Dim oResults 'As ObjectSearchResults
	  Set oResults = Vault.ObjectSearchOperations.SearchForObjectsByConditions(ConditionSet, MFSearchFlagNone, False) 'False = SortResults
	  Dim doublonPropValue
	  If oResults.Count > 0 Then
	    Dim i : Dim oRes 'As MFilesAPI.ObjectVersion
	    dim err : err = false 
		For i=1 To oResults.Count
		    Set oRes = oResults.Item(i)
		    If oRes.ObjVer.ID<>ObjVer.ID Then
				err = true 
			End If
		If err = true Then 
			Set doublonPropValue = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.PropertyValue")
			doublonPropValue.propertyDef = 1162
			doublonPropValue.TypedValue.SetValue MFDataTypeBoolean, true
			Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, doublonPropValue
			Set doublonPropValue = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.PropertyValue")
			doublonPropValue.propertyDef = 1162
			doublonPropValue.TypedValue.SetValue MFDataTypeBoolean, false
			Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, doublonPropValue
	  End if
	End if
End if

CoScriptObjectFactory.cpp, 465, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
ScriptErrorHelper.cpp, 96, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
MDispatchExImpl.h, 694, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
MDispatchExImpl.h, 994, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
MetadataCardAction.cpp, 386, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
MetadataCardAction.cpp, 570, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
MetadataEditor.cpp, 2967, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
MetadataModel.cpp, 4262, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
MetadataModel.cpp, 4699, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
ElectronicSignatureUIHelper.cpp, 235, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
MetadataModel.cpp, 12187, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
CoVaultMountingDocumentOperations.cpp, 3140, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
DocumentCache.cpp, 11174, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
DocumentCache.cpp, 11283, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
DocumentCache.cpp, 19436, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCMethodCallWithRetry.h, 35, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCMethodCallWithRetry.h, 35, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCDocumentOperations.cpp, 12536, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCDocumentOperations.cpp, 7383, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
MCallInLoop.h, 711, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelper.cpp, 3925, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelper.cpp, 3492, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelper.cpp, 8880, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelper.cpp, 9452, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelper.cpp, 26788, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelperPrivate.cpp, 2826, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelperPrivate.cpp, 3038, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelperPrivate.cpp, 3457, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelperPrivate.cpp, 4295, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
VaultScriptSessionTemplates.cpp, 269, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
VaultScriptSessionTemplates.cpp, 328, Script execution failed. ((010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction: 1596915-8)) (0x800408BB)
VaultScriptSessionTemplates.cpp, 328, Object required: '' (0x80040008)
VaultScriptSessionTemplates.cpp, 501, Object required: '' (0x80040008)
CoActiveScriptSite.cpp, 893, Object required: '' (0x80040008)
CoActiveScriptSite.cpp, 735, Object required: '' (0x80040008)
010 - Gestion des doublons, StateAction, 22, Object required: '' (0x80040008)
MErrorHelper.cpp, 2457, Object required: '' (0x80040008)
(M-Files 21.2.9928.4)

Parents Reply
  • Upper or lower case does not matter to execution in this particular case. It just makes it more readable.

    The problem is most likely in the actual content of "your message here". What is that in your real code? If it is a simple text in quotation marks you should not get the error. If it contains some sort of code the cause is in that code.
