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Move a document from a worflow/state to another WorkFlow/State depending of a property value

Hi All, I have been trying to do this creating this code in the AfterCheckinChangesFinalize EventHandler, unfortunatelly does not matter the adjustments to the code I Receive an error message.

The Issue is that for some documents of the same class the user want to select the process and the Metadata card configuration, so adding a property I can let them select, change the metadatacard configuration based on this property in the filter and based on the same property using the event handler I want to change the workflow and the state.

the permanent error is:

-The Value "8 - 0" does not exist, or it is a conflict object-

The code as follow:

Option Explicit
'move a document from it's actual WF and move it to another WF depending of I_OLD_DOC_PROP lo mueve al antiguo flujo de trabajo

Const I_MC_OLD_WF		= 131	'Old Document Format WorkFlow
Const I_MC_CLASS		= 1015	'Affected Class
Const I_OLD_DOC_PROP		= 1233  'Is Old or New Document Property

Dim iStatus, iClass, iWFState, iTargetWFS

Dim oPropertyValues: Set oPropertyValues = CreateObject( "MFilesAPI.PropertyValues" )
Set oPropertyValues = Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.GetProperties( ObjVer )
Dim oWorkflowState: Set oWorkflowState = CreateObject( "MFilesAPI.ObjectVersionWorkflowState" )

iStatus = oPropertyValues.SearchForProperty( I_OLD_DOC_PROP	).TypedValue.GetLookupID
iClass = oPropertyValues.SearchForProperty( MFBuiltInPropertyDefClass ).TypedValue.GetLookupID
iWFState = oPropertyValues.SearchForProperty( MFBuiltInPropertyDefState ).TypedValue.GetLookupID

Dim oObjVer: Set oObjVer = CreateObject( "MFilesAPI.ObjectVersion" )
Set oObjVer = Vault.ObjectOperations.GetLatestObjVer( ObjVer.ObjID, False, False )
If iClass = I_MC_CLASS	And iStatus = 1 Then 'If Old Format document

	Select Case iWFState 'move to the correct State in the new workflow depending on the actual state
	Case	102	:	iTargetWFS =	499
	Case	103	:	iTargetWFS =	500

	End Select

	'If not CheckedOut, CheckOut and apply changes, then CheckIn
'	If Not Vault.ObjectOperations.IsCheckedOut( oObjVer.ObjID ) Then
				'Checkout object and Change WF and State
				Dim oCheckedOut ': Set oCheckedOut = CreateObject( "MFilesAPI.ObjectVersion"  )
				Set oCheckedOut = Vault.ObjectOperations.CheckOut( ObjVer.ObjID )
'				Vault.ObjectOperations.CheckOut ObjVer

				oWorkflowState.Workflow.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeLookup, I_MC_OLD_WF
				oWorkflowState.State.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeLookup, iTargetWFS
				oWorkflowState.VersionComment.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeMultiLineText, "Generado automáticamente por M-Files desde Documento antiguo"
				Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetWorkflowState oCheckedOut.ObjVer, oWorkflowState
				Vault.ObjectOperations.CheckIn oCheckedOut.ObjVer
'		Else
'			Err.Raise MFScriptCancel, "El objeto se encuentra protegido"	
'	End If 'NOT IsCheckedOut
End If 'iClass and iStatus

Any idea?