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EventHandler AfterCheckInChangesFinalize not seeing latest object after Auto Transition

Hope someone can enlighten me as to why this is happening.


Have a VAF app with MF EventHandlerAfterCheckInChangesFinalize configured based on Class.

Objects of Class move through WF to a State with an Auto State Transition of "fullfills specified criteria" (DaysTo > 0)

Transition is triggered and object moves to proper next State.

VAF MF EventHandlerAfterCheckInChangesFinalize fires upon object in new State.

But, env.ObjVerEx.State still shows previous (pre Transition ) State.

Object has proper new State when viewed in Client.

Making a change to any Object Property and [Save] causes EventHandlerAfterCheckInChangesFinalize to fire again and env.ObjVerEx.State now has proper (new) State.

Is there something with an Auto Transition and a subsequent AfterCheckInChangesFinalize that does not work ?

Is there a better EventHandler in this scenario ?t

Or ?