property value is not captured when call it in simple concatenating for other property

I have a scripted property (cDate) for extracting the last four digits from Date or timestamp built-in properties, such as taking "0124" from the date "17/01/2024." The script is functioning correctly in capturing the desired result. However, when I attempt to use this value in another property, it doesn't display as expected. The scripted value is obtaining the correct outcome, as demonstrated in this document:

but its not captured in (Ref No) property, unless i check out or create new version.

 also i reordered the properties so (Date, cDate) properties comes before ( Ref No).
i also checked the client configs to fill the properties automatically but still cant get it right.

cDate property script:

Option Explicit

Dim txtDate : txtDate = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(1030).TypedValue.Value

Dim currentDate : currentDate = GetFormattedDate(txtDate)

If IsDate(txtDate) Then
Dim lastTwoDigitsYear : lastTwoDigitsYear = Right(currentDate(0), 2)

Output = currentDate(1) & lastTwoDigitsYear
Output = "Invalid Date"
End If

Function GetFormattedDate(inputDate)
Dim parts : parts = Split(inputDate, "/")

If UBound(parts) = 2 Then
Dim yearPart, monthPart
yearPart = parts(2)
monthPart = Right("0" & parts(0), 2)

GetFormattedDate = Array(yearPart, monthPart)
GetFormattedDate = Array("", "")
End If
End Function