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M-Files Mobile not working anymore

Hi guys

Since some time we can not access M-Files Mobile anymore (iOS, newest App version). We use Server version 23.2.12340.6.

Furthermore we use https with RPC over HTTP and authenticate with Azure AD. M-Files Web and also the desktop client works fine.

Trying to login with M-Files Mobile, after redirecting to the authentication screen it says HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.

Was there something changed in recent updates?

Our settings:
- Registry settings VaultDNSConfig is set with{VaultID}

- Federated Authentication settings as follows:

The Azure App also contains the necessary redirection URI, such as:







What is also strange, that classic web is not reachable under, although both web clients are installed and the new web is selected as default client.

Any ideas what is going wrong or missing?

Kind regards
