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How to Assign to a User via an "Approver" property

This is a bit of a Share and Ask

I'm trying to build a workflow where admin can assign a document to a manager. Previously, the M-Files Community recommended to me to create a property called "Approver" 

I came across this brilliant video from February earlier this year: "M Files Admin: Creating a Document Review and Approval Workflow"

At 2:36 - you can assign to User, and you can choose the desired property, such as "Reviewer" or "Approver"

However, as you can see in my screen capture, my "Approver" property is grayed out, and even tho the prior state has "Set Properties" - which includes the 'Approver' property. I also ensured to put the Pre-Condition that "Approver" is not empty

Please help! What am I missing? Does anyone else use a similar concept of an 'Approver'?

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