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Change look of M-Files hyperlinks

Hi all,

Is there a way to change how the M-Files hyperlink is created, the order of links and so on?

I'm in a situation where it would be very beneficial to have the M-Files web url in the beginning or perhaps include additional information.



  • I don't think this is possible for the standard Get Hyperlink dialog. Perhaps it would be possible to add a custom command that would return the link in the desired format?

  • I'm sure that it is possible to create a custom UIX application to create a fully customizable hyperlink and then replace the built-in command in both the M-Files client and web. However, I am a little stretched thin when it comes to available development time for new ventures Laughing

    However, what I am looking for digs a little deeper as well, as I would like to also target whatever the hyperlink placeholder creates (I believe it is the %MFILESHYPERLINKFRAGMET% placeholder, correct me if i'm wrong)

  • I believe it's %HYPERLINKFRAGMENTHTML%. These placeholders are listed at least in the Compliance Kit manual (section 3.6.3). But I'm not aware of a way to modify what it returns unfortunately.

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