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Calculation of the automatic value of the property [property name] failed. Not Found

Hi all,

One of my team tried to amend some document and save it. Then, this error displayed.

<MetadataEditor>, -, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
ScriptErrorHelper.cpp, 96, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
MDispatchExImpl.h, 688, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
MDispatchExImpl.h, 850, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
MetadataCardAction.cpp, 386, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
MetadataCardAction.cpp, 570, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
MetadataEditor.cpp, 2960, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
MetadataModel.cpp, 4276, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
MetadataModel.cpp, 4713, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
ElectronicSignatureUIHelper.cpp, 239, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
MetadataModel.cpp, 12218, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
CoVaultMountingDocumentOperations.cpp, 3284, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
DocumentCache.cpp, 11718, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
DocumentCache.cpp, 11827, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
DocumentCache.cpp, 20331, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
RPCMethodCallWithRetry.h, 35, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
RPCMethodCallWithRetry.h, 35, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
RPCDocumentOperations.cpp, 13126, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
RPCDocumentOperations.cpp, 7391, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
MCallInLoop.h, 712, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelper.cpp, 4231, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelper.cpp, 3760, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelperPrivate.cpp, 7561, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelperPrivate.cpp, 7367, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
RecalculateProperties.cpp, 452, Calculation of the automatic value of the property "MOC No." failed. (0x80040107)
RecalculateProperties.cpp, 452, Script execution failed. ((MOC No., PropertyDefCalculatedValue: 16249-22)) (0x800408BB)
RecalculateProperties.cpp, 1634, Script execution failed. ((MOC No., PropertyDefCalculatedValue: 16249-22)) (0x800408BB)
RecalculateProperties.cpp, 1451, Script execution failed. ((MOC No., PropertyDefCalculatedValue: 16249-22)) (0x800408BB)
RecalculateProperties.cpp, 1701, Script execution failed. ((MOC No., PropertyDefCalculatedValue: 16249-22)) (0x800408BB)
RecalculateProperties.cpp, 1395, Script execution failed. ((MOC No., PropertyDefCalculatedValue: 16249-22)) (0x800408BB)
VaultScriptSessionTemplates.cpp, 275, Script execution failed. ((MOC No., PropertyDefCalculatedValue: 16249-22)) (0x800408BB)
VaultScriptSessionTemplates.cpp, 340, Script execution failed. ((MOC No., PropertyDefCalculatedValue: 16249-22)) (0x800408BB)
VaultScriptSessionTemplates.cpp, 340, Not found. (0x8004000B)
VaultScriptSessionTemplates.cpp, 523, Not found. (0x8004000B)
CoActiveScriptSite.cpp, 895, Not found. (0x8004000B)
CoActiveScriptSite.cpp, 737, Not found. (0x8004000B)
MOC No., PropertyDefCalculatedValue, 56, Not found. (0x8004000B)
MNullPropagatingDispatchImpl.h, 126, Not found. (0x8004000B)
MNullPropagatingDispatchImpl.h, 173, Not found. (0x8004000B)
CoPropertyValues.cpp, 347, Not found. (0x8004000B)
(M-Files 22.10.11903.5 2022-11-23T03:10:46.496Z)

He tried with 3 other documents and the same error is displayed. The property MOC No is there on the metadata card and the calculated value is working fine.

So he logout and login again. Make the amendment and save the document. Now, suddenly there is no error.

He also mentioned that he did encounter some other error but after login back into the system, the error is now gone.

I tried to reproduce the steps but there is no issue from my end.

I am not sure what could be the issue.