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M-Files Desktop Client with Azure AD Login

Hi fellows

I set up a new M-Files Server with Azure AD User synchronization (works fine) and set up a Federated Authentication with Azure AD in the Vault Configurations.

Unfortunately, although I used the same Azure AD app and added the respective Web URI's as well as used exactly the same JSON Code in the vault configuration, it does not work properly.

I also adjusted the DNS Configuration in the windows registry.

When adding the vault in the M-Files Desktop Client, the Microsoft Login prompt appears and I can log in. Vaults appear and I can add my desired vault. Everything works fine so far.

However, when I try to open the newly added vault, the normal M-Files Login prompt appears. 

M-Files Web and M-Files Mobile works fine. So it does not seem to be a login problem, but only using the M-Files Desktop, somehow the prompt does not appear.

I use the newest M-Files version.

Any ideas?

Kind regards,
