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M-Files Desktop Client with Azure AD Login

Hi fellows

I set up a new M-Files Server with Azure AD User synchronization (works fine) and set up a Federated Authentication with Azure AD in the Vault Configurations.

Unfortunately, although I used the same Azure AD app and added the respective Web URI's as well as used exactly the same JSON Code in the vault configuration, it does not work properly.

I also adjusted the DNS Configuration in the windows registry.

When adding the vault in the M-Files Desktop Client, the Microsoft Login prompt appears and I can log in. Vaults appear and I can add my desired vault. Everything works fine so far.

However, when I try to open the newly added vault, the normal M-Files Login prompt appears. 

M-Files Web and M-Files Mobile works fine. So it does not seem to be a login problem, but only using the M-Files Desktop, somehow the prompt does not appear.

I use the newest M-Files version.

Any ideas?

Kind regards,


  • Hi Darlow, is it possible to share the JSON that you used?
    Off course obfuscating the clientid's and secrets.

  • Hi there

    Of course, see below:

    Copy it as a picture now since my code is reported as Spam...

    I didnt use the integrated MF AD functionalty, but created my own configuration with a own created Azure App.

    It is really strange for me since the authentication and adding a vault in the client works well, but then when trying to log in the respective Microsoft window does not appear.

    Kind regards,


  • You have "EnableLogging": "true" in the configs, have you checked the Windows logs to see if there's any additional information there when you try to log in? You should be able to see how far in the OAuth process does it get and if there's some error. Check the logs on both the client computer and the server.

  • Hi Joonas

    When I add the vault, there is no error, just an information.

    When I want to log in into the newly created vault, there is no error/info at all in the event log. I checked it using the MF client on the server (connecting through https). Somehow, M-Files does not even trigger the authentication I think, which is also why the MF login prompt appears and not the Microsoft one.

  • And you are definitely connecting with the same vault address defined in the OAuth scope, and not for instance some internal DNS name or an IP address?

  • yes, I am connecting to When I add a vault, I configure the settings (here everyhting works fine). When logging in, it uses the same settings as defined before...

  • In the Windows event logs, you should see events about the login attempt.
    Those are not reported as errors, which can make it quite cumbersome to understand what is happening.

  • This is the event log when adding the vault (everything fine):


    Authentication result:

    aud = bcf9e8e0-f6b2-45a3-9ea5-6fa93c0xxxx

    iss =

    iat = 1675401387

    nbf = 1675401387

    exp = 1675406915

    acr = 1

    aio = AVQAq/8TAAAArCy56hs/eoDE+JUc/+yawESImoyE+0u130zWwLj0+lUd/5unTNiONu/lWZSiy3jZ8UHGnTfnd53madg/m6LXTVRtD3alQNKi5XdI4MbIeyQ=

    amr = rsa

    amr_2 = mfa

    appid = bcf9e8e0-f6b2-45a3-9ea5-xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    appidacr = 1

    family_name = Wieland

    given_name = Dario

    ipaddr =

    name = Dario Surname

    oid = 4a2fd8d7-758b-4b67-8a1f-30208a475056

    rh = 0.ATEAUCKF8V5T9UGUpObgUY4LMeDo-byy9qNFnqVvqTwFHZYxABI.

    scp = User.Read

    sub = MRW67u6YYAH85WVMAcJB27vFhSHcKCLA81oNV_X6MsE

    tid = f1852250-535e-41f5-94a4-e6e0518e0b31

    unique_name =

    upn =\dario.wieland

    uti = U-TYqd4z-EGH9gwi8Gs6AA

    ver = 1.0

    M-Files::LoginHint =

    BUT, when I try to log in, this prompt appears, and there is NO event log at all.

    So it can not be a log in problem I guess, but rather that it is not triggered at all?

  • I had this problem when using Https via RPC.

    I managed to make it work when I switched to GRPC.

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