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M-Files Desktop Client with Azure AD Login

Hi fellows

I set up a new M-Files Server with Azure AD User synchronization (works fine) and set up a Federated Authentication with Azure AD in the Vault Configurations.

Unfortunately, although I used the same Azure AD app and added the respective Web URI's as well as used exactly the same JSON Code in the vault configuration, it does not work properly.

I also adjusted the DNS Configuration in the windows registry.

When adding the vault in the M-Files Desktop Client, the Microsoft Login prompt appears and I can log in. Vaults appear and I can add my desired vault. Everything works fine so far.

However, when I try to open the newly added vault, the normal M-Files Login prompt appears. 

M-Files Web and M-Files Mobile works fine. So it does not seem to be a login problem, but only using the M-Files Desktop, somehow the prompt does not appear.

I use the newest M-Files version.

Any ideas?

Kind regards,


Parents Reply Children
  • This is the event log when adding the vault (everything fine):


    Authentication result:

    aud = bcf9e8e0-f6b2-45a3-9ea5-6fa93c0xxxx

    iss =

    iat = 1675401387

    nbf = 1675401387

    exp = 1675406915

    acr = 1

    aio = AVQAq/8TAAAArCy56hs/eoDE+JUc/+yawESImoyE+0u130zWwLj0+lUd/5unTNiONu/lWZSiy3jZ8UHGnTfnd53madg/m6LXTVRtD3alQNKi5XdI4MbIeyQ=

    amr = rsa

    amr_2 = mfa

    appid = bcf9e8e0-f6b2-45a3-9ea5-xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    appidacr = 1

    family_name = Wieland

    given_name = Dario

    ipaddr =

    name = Dario Surname

    oid = 4a2fd8d7-758b-4b67-8a1f-30208a475056

    rh = 0.ATEAUCKF8V5T9UGUpObgUY4LMeDo-byy9qNFnqVvqTwFHZYxABI.

    scp = User.Read

    sub = MRW67u6YYAH85WVMAcJB27vFhSHcKCLA81oNV_X6MsE

    tid = f1852250-535e-41f5-94a4-e6e0518e0b31

    unique_name =

    upn =\dario.wieland

    uti = U-TYqd4z-EGH9gwi8Gs6AA

    ver = 1.0

    M-Files::LoginHint =

    BUT, when I try to log in, this prompt appears, and there is NO event log at all.

    So it can not be a log in problem I guess, but rather that it is not triggered at all?

  • I had this problem when using Https via RPC.

    I managed to make it work when I switched to GRPC.

  • I found luckily the need to set this registry key on the server, then it works:

    Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters

    Value name: EnableHttp2Tls

    Value type: DWORD (32 bit)

    Value data: 00000000

    ...according to this article:

    ....unfortunately nowhere described in any manual.


    Could you mention that somewhere in the manuals?

  • Glad you got it working! The issue mentioned in that support article is not specifically related to Azure AD authentication so that's why it's not mentioned in the AAD guides. I think you would have faced issues accessing the vault without Azure AD as well.