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Workflow Automatic State Transition by calculated date

Former Member
Former Member

I was wondering if it is possible to define a automatic state change on a workflow based on a date, that has been calculated using an object's date property.


  • Thanks, the last script I posted, works to control transitions if the interval is considered in hours, but does not work for minutes, the idea is to set escalations if the state transition have not been triggered in less of (by example) 20 minutes.

    but this one


    is a very useful tip to control the local time zone difference automatically.

    thanks a lot.
  • Thanks, the last script I posted, works to control transitions if the interval is considered in hours, but does not work for minutes, the idea is to set escalations if the state transition have not been triggered in less of (by example) 20 minutes.

    but this one


    is a very useful tip to control the local time zone difference automatically.

    thanks a lot.
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