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Ghost undeletable object avec use of CreateObject

Hello everyone,

I used the VaultObjectOperations.CreateNewObject function in a script without doing a check-in. In result, Objects are created but are not visible in M-Files desktop.

I finally understand my error and corrected the script but I cannot delete these objects. They are visible only through the "content" menu of the type in M-Files Server.

I absolutely have to delete them because I need to insert the new ones with the same ID.

Have a nice day.

  • You cannot add new ones with the same ID even if you delete them. However, you can install the MF-Client on the server and should then be able to find your objects in a special View "Other" at the bottom of the front page. From there you should be able to promote them to objects in the vault. It is similar to the situation when some application fails to save a document properly to M-Files on your PC.

  • Thank you for your replies.

    In the M-Files client, I have a zone "other views" with a per class or per workflow view and my objects are not here, just an empty rep for the class. I found no "Other" view and it is not in the masqued views.

    What did I missed?

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  • Can't promise you that you will find it there. If it is present, it is in "Other" below the group "Other Views". You may also be able to find your files as greyed out files at the bottom of a view that shows the class in which they are supposed to go. This at least is what happens on a PC when things go wrong. I thought it might be the same on the server, but of course, you did not use the MF-Desktop when things go wrong. So I might be wrong in my assumption.