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How to display Logging Configuration on Dashboard of vault configuration

I am creating the vault application with v22.12, where we have the logging functionally inbuilt with the help of VAF.Extension.

I am not getting any functionality of logging on the dashboard of vault the vault application.


public class VaultApplication
: MFiles.VAF.Extensions.ConfigurableVaultApplicationBase<Configuration>

public class Configuration : MFiles.VAF.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBase

I am able to set the logging config from the configuration tab but on the dashboard tab i am not getting any functionality related to logging.

I need this kind of functionality on the dashboard

Thank You,


  • That functionality should be provided by default by the VAF Extensions.  The UI looks a little different when logging is not enabled, but it should render something.

    Make sure that, if you override anything in the vault application class, that you call the base implementation.  If you're overriding any of the dashboard-generation logic (e.g. you are rendering your own dashboard) then show that code and we can look at how to integrate the logging component.

  • Thank You Craig,

    It was overriding StartApplication but not was not calling base class, now when I called base class, It works

    Thank You,


Reply Children
  • It's a common mistake.  Glad you got it sorted.

    In general terms if you override these "lifecycle" methods it's good practice to call the base implementation.  These base implementations may do things like set up the dashboard renderers or the logging infrastructure.  This is particularly the case in the VAF extensions.