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Create Custom Search Function

Does anyone know how to create cutom search function in new desktop ?
The custom search will be simliar to right pane search, as attached photo.

The current M-Files Desktop Version Number: 22.12.12140.4

  • You don't create a "VaultViewOperations" instance.  You use the instance from your local vault reference (e.g. "dashboard.Vault.ViewOperations.AddTemporarySearchViewEx..").

  • Thanks , i can create the temporary search view now, but when i call shellFrame.NavigateToFolder, it show "Folder  'M:\Sample Vault\Test View' no longer exists" error msg

  • Here is the view created

    var oView = new MFiles.View();
    oView.Name = "Test View";
    //Create the search criteria for the view.
    var oSc = new MFiles.SearchCriteria();
    oSc.FullTextSearchString = "demo*";
    oSc.FullTextSearchFlags = (MFiles.MFFullTextSearchFlags.MFFullTextSearchFlagsStemming |
    	MFiles.MFFullTextSearchFlags.MFFullTextSearchFlagsLookInMetaData |
    	MFiles.MFFullTextSearchFlags.MFFullTextSearchFlagsLookInFileData |
    oSc.SearchFlags = MFiles.MFSearchFlags.MFSearchFlagNone;
    oSc.ExpandUI = true;
    //Create search conditions for the view: object status is not deleted
    var oExpression = new MFiles.Expression();
    oExpression.DataStatusValueType = MFiles.MFStatusType.MFStatusTypeDeleted;
    oExpression.DataStatusValueDataFunction = MFiles.MFDataFunction.MFDataFunctionNoOp;
    var oTypedValue = new MFiles.TypedValue();
    oTypedValue.SetValue(MFDataType.MFDatatypeBoolean, false);
    var oDeletedEx = new MFiles.SearchConditionEx();
    oDeletedEx.SearchCondition.Set(oExpression, MFiles.MFConditionType.MFConditionTypeEqual, oTypedValue);
    oDeletedEx.Enabled = true;
    oDeletedEx.Ignored = false;
    oDeletedEx.SpecialNULL = false;
    oSc.AdditionalConditions.Add(-1, oDeletedEx);
    oView = dashboard.Vault.ViewOperations.AddTemporarySearchViewEx(oView, oSc, true);
    shellFrame.ShowMessage("View created: " + oView.ID + " " + oView.Name + " " + oView.GUID + " " + oView.Visible);

    Here is navigate to the view, and the <param> is from created view ID

    var fd = new MFiles.FolderDef();
    var fds = new MFiles.FolderDefs();

  • At least in the desktop client temporary searches are within the "latest searches" built-in view, so my guess is that you need to ensure that your folderdefs replicate that:

    var fd1 = new MFiles.FolderDef();
    fd1.SetView(MFBuiltInView.MFBuiltInViewLatestSearches); // May need to pass 11 instead
    var fd = new MFiles.FolderDef();
    var fds = new MFiles.FolderDefs();
    fds.Add(0,fd1); // First "latest searches"
    fds.Add(0,fd); // Then the temporary view itself.