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Create Custom Search Function

Does anyone know how to create cutom search function in new desktop ?
The custom search will be simliar to right pane search, as attached photo.

The current M-Files Desktop Version Number: 22.12.12140.4

  • I know that tagged Joonas, but I also know that Joonas is out of the office this week.  I hope that me answering helps in some way.

    I'm assuming that you've looked at all of the out-of-the-box search options including faceted search and decided that these are not good enough?

    There's no built-in way to create a custom search UI in the way you've highlighted.  If you wanted to create something like this then you would need to build it from scratch using the User Interface Extensibility Framework.  Depending upon the type of search conditions you need to create, this could be relatively straight-forward or it could be exceptionally complex.

    Once you have the UI built then you have various options to actually get the search run.  If you only care about the desktop then the approach I've used before is to create a temporary view containing the search conditions, then tell the listing to navigate to it.  From recollection there are a couple of quirks you have to work around (e.g. the temporary view needs to have a unique name), but the general approach works.

    I have also sent a link to this conversation to the product owner for searching, to see whether he has any additional guidance or comments.

  • Hi Craig,

    Thanks to your reply.
    May you advise how to pass the Dashboard data to navigate the view and display the search results in listing area ?

  • You have two related problems: how to communicate from the dashboard to the shellFrame to tell it to navigate, and then how to actually run your search.

    How to communicate from the dashboard to the shellFrame:

    When I've done this before, I've effectively passed a navigation callback to into the dashboard when it's displayed.  I would have something like this in my ShellUI module:

    myTab.ShowDashboard("myDashboardId", {
        navigateToFolder: function(folderDefs)

    You can then call this from within your dashboard itself:

    function OnNewDashboard(dashboard)
      // TODO: create the folder defs
      var folderDefs = ...
      // Navigate

    How to run the search:

    There's probably a few different ways, but the approach I've taken in the past is to collate the user's search data and use the COM API to create a temporary view.  Once that view is created you can create your FolderDefs instance to represent the temporary view, and use the above to navigate to that.

    One final point:

    The approach I described above probably doesn't work on the Classic Web.  That may or may not be possible; you would need to take a look at the UIX and API functionality that exists on the classic web to see.

  • thanks!!
    Let me and developer check if possible to develop as you advise

  • It return "Object doesn't support this action" error when i call AddTemporarySearchViewEx(), Can you advise? thanks

    Error Message:

    CustomControlSite.cpp, 1051, Object doesn't support this action (0x80040008)
    UI Testing: content.html, 101, Object doesn't support this action (0x80040008)
    MErrorHelper.cpp, 2457, Object doesn't support this action (0x80040008)
    (M-Files 23.1.12196.5 2023-02-13T08:03:56.454Z)

    var oVVO = new MFiles.VaultViewOperations();
    oView = oVVO.AddTemporarySearchViewEx(oView, oSc, false);

  • I got the "Object doesn't support this action" error when i call AddTemporarySearchViewEx(), can you advise? Many thanks

    Error Message:

    CustomControlSite.cpp, 1051, Object doesn't support this action (0x80040008)
    UI Testing: content.html, 101, Object doesn't support this action (0x80040008)
    MErrorHelper.cpp, 2457, Object doesn't support this action (0x80040008)
    (M-Files 23.1.12196.5 2023-02-13T08:03:56.454Z)

    var oVVO = new MFiles.VaultViewOperations();
    oView = oVVO.AddTemporarySearchViewEx(oView, oSc, false);

  • You don't create a "VaultViewOperations" instance.  You use the instance from your local vault reference (e.g. "dashboard.Vault.ViewOperations.AddTemporarySearchViewEx..").

  • Thanks , i can create the temporary search view now, but when i call shellFrame.NavigateToFolder, it show "Folder  'M:\Sample Vault\Test View' no longer exists" error msg

  • Here is the view created

    var oView = new MFiles.View();
    oView.Name = "Test View";
    //Create the search criteria for the view.
    var oSc = new MFiles.SearchCriteria();
    oSc.FullTextSearchString = "demo*";
    oSc.FullTextSearchFlags = (MFiles.MFFullTextSearchFlags.MFFullTextSearchFlagsStemming |
    	MFiles.MFFullTextSearchFlags.MFFullTextSearchFlagsLookInMetaData |
    	MFiles.MFFullTextSearchFlags.MFFullTextSearchFlagsLookInFileData |
    oSc.SearchFlags = MFiles.MFSearchFlags.MFSearchFlagNone;
    oSc.ExpandUI = true;
    //Create search conditions for the view: object status is not deleted
    var oExpression = new MFiles.Expression();
    oExpression.DataStatusValueType = MFiles.MFStatusType.MFStatusTypeDeleted;
    oExpression.DataStatusValueDataFunction = MFiles.MFDataFunction.MFDataFunctionNoOp;
    var oTypedValue = new MFiles.TypedValue();
    oTypedValue.SetValue(MFDataType.MFDatatypeBoolean, false);
    var oDeletedEx = new MFiles.SearchConditionEx();
    oDeletedEx.SearchCondition.Set(oExpression, MFiles.MFConditionType.MFConditionTypeEqual, oTypedValue);
    oDeletedEx.Enabled = true;
    oDeletedEx.Ignored = false;
    oDeletedEx.SpecialNULL = false;
    oSc.AdditionalConditions.Add(-1, oDeletedEx);
    oView = dashboard.Vault.ViewOperations.AddTemporarySearchViewEx(oView, oSc, true);
    shellFrame.ShowMessage("View created: " + oView.ID + " " + oView.Name + " " + oView.GUID + " " + oView.Visible);

    Here is navigate to the view, and the <param> is from created view ID

    var fd = new MFiles.FolderDef();
    var fds = new MFiles.FolderDefs();

  • Here is the view created

    var oView = new MFiles.View();
    oView.Name = "Test View";
    //Create the search criteria for the view.
    var oSc = new MFiles.SearchCriteria();
    oSc.FullTextSearchString = "demo*";
    oSc.FullTextSearchFlags = (MFiles.MFFullTextSearchFlags.MFFullTextSearchFlagsStemming |
    	MFiles.MFFullTextSearchFlags.MFFullTextSearchFlagsLookInMetaData |
    	MFiles.MFFullTextSearchFlags.MFFullTextSearchFlagsLookInFileData |
    oSc.SearchFlags = MFiles.MFSearchFlags.MFSearchFlagNone;
    oSc.ExpandUI = true;
    //Create search conditions for the view: object status is not deleted
    var oExpression = new MFiles.Expression();
    oExpression.DataStatusValueType = MFiles.MFStatusType.MFStatusTypeDeleted;
    oExpression.DataStatusValueDataFunction = MFiles.MFDataFunction.MFDataFunctionNoOp;
    var oTypedValue = new MFiles.TypedValue();
    oTypedValue.SetValue(MFDataType.MFDatatypeBoolean, false);
    var oDeletedEx = new MFiles.SearchConditionEx();
    oDeletedEx.SearchCondition.Set(oExpression, MFiles.MFConditionType.MFConditionTypeEqual, oTypedValue);
    oDeletedEx.Enabled = true;
    oDeletedEx.Ignored = false;
    oDeletedEx.SpecialNULL = false;
    oSc.AdditionalConditions.Add(-1, oDeletedEx);
    oView = dashboard.Vault.ViewOperations.AddTemporarySearchViewEx(oView, oSc, true);
    shellFrame.ShowMessage("View created: " + oView.ID + " " + oView.Name + " " + oView.GUID + " " + oView.Visible);

    Here is navigate to the view, and the <param> is from created view ID

    var fd = new MFiles.FolderDef();
    var fds = new MFiles.FolderDefs();

  • At least in the desktop client temporary searches are within the "latest searches" built-in view, so my guess is that you need to ensure that your folderdefs replicate that:

    var fd1 = new MFiles.FolderDef();
    fd1.SetView(MFBuiltInView.MFBuiltInViewLatestSearches); // May need to pass 11 instead
    var fd = new MFiles.FolderDef();
    var fds = new MFiles.FolderDefs();
    fds.Add(0,fd1); // First "latest searches"
    fds.Add(0,fd); // Then the temporary view itself.