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M-Files Desktop - Changing default panes settings

Hello everyone,

I'd like to change the default settings of M-Files Panes.
I've already tried to change the one for Task Are with the regedit mentioned in this article :

But unfortunately... it's not working. For some users the task area is still hidden.
My goal is to overwrite the default setting when opening M-Files for every user, is it possible ?

Thanks for your answer, regards


  • Unfortunately that's not possible to force that change to the clients. The client will instead just save whatever state the task area was last in when it's closed and then reopen in that state.

    That registry key is a little misleading as it does not govern what state the task area is currently in but instead governs the Default state. Really that only comes into play if it's set before the user logs in for the first time. After they have logged in though it's based on their own user/client settings.

    There is a current feature request to add the ability to manage the state of the task area for users via the admin tool. It's ID 155140 in our internal tracker, though there isn't currently an ETA on when that will be added.