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Desktop Client Not Showing New Users I Just Added With the Admin Tool

I'm having a sudden issue on a routine M-Files process that I've done hundreds of times over the past two years. Today, I added new users to my M-Files system ... a common process ... using the M-Files Admin Tool but, for the first time ever, they do not show up in my M-Files Desktop Client.

My normal process is to add the new users individually using the M-Files Admin Tool … once as a new Login Account, and then as a user on the Production document vault. Once I’ve done that, then they’re visible in my M-Files Desktop Client software and I can build their profile. Until today, that is. They are not showing as available users in my M-Files Desktop Client, and I cannot fathom why. Which means these new users can't use the M-Files software, even though they are clearly showing in the M-Files Admin Tool.

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