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Search - Object Display Order

Hi all

Currently, when a search is performed, it would seem that the display order for objects is Documents, and then everything else alphabetically.

Is there any way to alter this order, or assign something as a priority? For example, we might want to display Employee at the top of the search.
  • I don't believe there's currently a way to change the ordering. The only thing I can think of that might help here is that M-Files Desktop remembers the expanded/collapsed groups in search results, so if this is for instance an HR vault the user could collapse all the other object type groups except Employee to easily find employees.

    We have an improvement request (ID 17542) on the object ordering in search results, I added your company information to the request.
  • I don't believe there's currently a way to change the ordering. The only thing I can think of that might help here is that M-Files Desktop remembers the expanded/collapsed groups in search results, so if this is for instance an HR vault the user could collapse all the other object type groups except Employee to easily find employees.

    We have an improvement request (ID 17542) on the object ordering in search results, I added your company information to the request.
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