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Translatable Object Titles: concatenation of properties


I would like to use Translatable Object Titles, but I want to use an auto calculated value for both titles (using simple concatenation of properties or the Managed properties modules of the CK f.e.).

So assume the looks like this: {Class} - {Type} - {Number} 

If the default language is English and I have French in the vault as well, and I have translated the value list items in both Class and Type, I want the values to be (for example):

Title: Invoice - incoming - 45

Title (FR): Facture - entrante - 45

Is there a (more or less direct) way to do so? 



  • This isn't really feasible unfortunately. Value list translations do not work properly with any automatic naming mechanism really and they would be nearly impossible to implement even with custom code according to a colleague I discussed this with. So likely you would need to hard code the titles in different languages for the naming conventions and of course if you have a lot of classes and types this might be unfeasible due to the number of rules needed.

  • I already feared this might be the case. It is indeed (nearly?) impossible to access the translations via the api as well. Unfortunately, this renders the translatable object titles functionality quite useless imho, since no one is going to bother to type the translations manually for each object...

    If there is an improvement request already to extend the functionality of the CK this way then please add us as a requester as well. For countries with 3 official languages like ours, this is a frequent request.

  • I already feared this might be the case. It is indeed (nearly?) impossible to access the translations via the api as well. Unfortunately, this renders the translatable object titles functionality quite useless imho, since no one is going to bother to type the translations manually for each object...

    If there is an improvement request already to extend the functionality of the CK this way then please add us as a requester as well. For countries with 3 official languages like ours, this is a frequent request.
