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Error when trying to open an object from another one in M-Files Desktop

Has anyone already met the following issue when trying to open an object from another one in M-Files Desktop ?

MFStatusApp.cpp, 514, L'ouverture du lien URL 'm-files-desktop://show/6225FEA5-19A0-4FC4-B173-060C32D96C64/103-3526?object=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' a échoué. (0x80040105)
MFStatusApp.cpp, 514, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
MFilesURLHandler.cpp, 654, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
MFilesURLHandler.cpp, 765, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
MFilesURLHandler.cpp, 3486, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
MFilesURLHandler.cpp, 3245, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
MFilesURLHandler.cpp, 2941, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
CoVaultMountingDocumentOperations.cpp, 2011, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
VaultStateDocOperations.cpp, 1348, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
VaultStateDocOperations.cpp, 946, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
DocumentCache.cpp, 2088, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
DocumentCache.cpp, 2263, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
DocumentCache.cpp, 2348, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
RPCMethodCallWithRetry.h, 56, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
RPCMethodCallWithRetry.h, 56, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
RPCDocumentOperations.cpp, 12478, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
RPCDocumentOperations.cpp, 6525, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
MCallInLoop.h, 521, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
RPCDocumentOperationsHelper.cpp, 6072, Non trouvé. (0x8004000B)
(M-Files 23.1.12196.5 2023-02-06T14:48:09.583Z)

M-Files On Premise installation

M-Files Online v23.1.12196.5

  • Are you clicking on the small blue icon on the metadata card?  Or finding the link some other way?

    It's been a long time (!!!) since I did French at school, but it seems to say that the object is not found.  Does the data in the URL (the object type  of 103 and ID of 3526) look correct?  Can you find objects with that data?  Do you happen to have a vault with that GUID mapped twice in the M-Files Desktop client, perhaps, with different user accounts?

  • Hi Craig, yes I am clicking on the small blue icon on the metadata card. The data in the URL look correct. I can find objects due to the views or by clicking on the linked object below the object into the tree on the left. I have this behavior on my side but one of my colleague doesn't : on his side, when he clicks on the small blue icon, it opens a new M-Files desktop window but with his MS Windows user account, not his current user.

  • My suspicion is that you have multiple connections to the same vault guid with different users. 

    Nothing else jumps out at me. 

    If you're still stuck, it may be worth reaching out to your local Partner team and to ask whether someone can spend a few minutes on a call with you. 

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