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Warning event log - Resolving the identity of the domain

Hello, I have this warning log on windows server coming every 15 minutes, does anyone knows how to fix it ? Thanks

M-Files Online

Resolving the identity of the domain "******.lan" failed. Ensure that the server computer running the M-Files Server service is able to contact the domain.
The server is not operational. (The server is not operational.)

LDAPHelper.cpp, 606, Resolving the identity of the domain "******.lan" failed. Ensure that the server computer running the M-Files Server service is able to contact the domain. (0x8004092E)
LDAPHelper.cpp, 606, The server is not operational. (The server is not operational.) (0x8007203A)
LDAPHelper.cpp, 631, The server is not operational. (The server is not operational.) (0x8007203A)
LDAPHelper.cpp, 563, The server is not operational. (The server is not operational.) (0x8007203A)
(M-Files 22.6.11534.5 2022-08-10T08:53:42.915Z)

  • I believe this is related to M-Files Server trying to contact domains in the AD forest that is visible to the server. You can try if setting the following in the server registry would help.

    Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Motive\M-Files\<version>\Server\MFServer
    Value name: BlackListedDomains
    Value type: REG_MULTI_SZ (Multi-String Value)
    Value data: List of distinguished domain names, i.e. the domain you see in the warning message

  • I believe this is related to M-Files Server trying to contact domains in the AD forest that is visible to the server. You can try if setting the following in the server registry would help.

    Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Motive\M-Files\<version>\Server\MFServer
    Value name: BlackListedDomains
    Value type: REG_MULTI_SZ (Multi-String Value)
    Value data: List of distinguished domain names, i.e. the domain you see in the warning message
