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Server Error in / Application

Hi all,

I know i might need to raise this to support but just wondering whether some of you might have any idea on this issue.

We are not able to access the web app since this error "Server Error in / Application" is displayed.

When we checked the event viewer, this is the log

M-Files Online

Resolving the identity of the domain "" failed. Ensure that the server computer running the M-Files Server service is able to contact the domain.
The server is not operational. (The server is not operational.)

LDAPHelper.cpp, 606, Resolving the identity of the domain "" failed. Ensure that the server computer running the M-Files Server service is able to contact the domain. (0x8004092E)
LDAPHelper.cpp, 606, The server is not operational. (The server is not operational.) (0x8007203A)
LDAPHelper.cpp, 631, The server is not operational. (The server is not operational.) (0x8007203A)
LDAPHelper.cpp, 563, The server is not operational. (The server is not operational.) (0x8007203A)
(M-Files 22.9.11816.9 2022-11-09T08:35:16.101Z)

I am not sure whether this is within M-Files or it is more to the network configuration itself.