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Check in immediately by default on new documents


I did not found any response on this topic since 3 or 4 years ago so I would like to ask this again:

Is it possible to make the option "Check in immediately" selected by default when creating a new document ?

Thank you,

  • just saw this - but how can I make the default option when users close their word document to be "Yes" as we did have a script that changed the default from "No" which would count down and keep the document checked out. But we want the default after editing to count down to Yes and then check in. 

  • just saw this - but how can I make the default option when users close their word document to be "Yes" as we did have a script that changed the default from "No" which would count down and keep the document checked out. But we want the default after editing to count down to Yes and then check in. 
