Hubshare View Widget doesn't display the Documents it should

Hello everyone,

the View Widgets i have for this Hub display two different views.

I am using an External user in my screenshot, since i wanted to test what an external user would see. However, an external user gets this Error sign when he wants to look into the view. I've refreshed the Widget multiple times, it always just gives the error sign. 

The lower Widget looks into a different view, and displays all the documents it need to display.

When i use an internal Hubshare User, both widgets display what i need them to display. 

The External user has equal rights to both widgets.

Why does it display everything in the lower widget (just as wanted) but not in the upper one?

Why does it display everything as needed for the internal user?

How do i enable the external user to be able to see the documents in the upper widget/view?