Search object with the ObjectGUID


I have the hyperlink of a document (http://servername/Default.aspx?#4F019F4F-5966-41B8-AC99-AEA25CC81678/object/01AE38ED-ABA1-4194-97A3-20EC1F96DCC9/latest)

With this, I can retrieve the Vault Guid and the Object Guid.

How access to this document by API without the objectype and the objectid ?

Best regards

Vincent Pfammatter

Parents Reply
  • We have a application that sends a document to M-Files. In order to modify, delete, update, show and download this file from the application we store the "Vault Guid", the "object Type" and the "object ID". Is doing so correct?

    Now we imagine linking an existing document in M-Files within our application but we need in this case the Vault GUID, the object type and the object ID. But the end-user cannot get those informations from the user interface of M-Files web. How can we link our database to an existing document?

    Best regards
