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Object Type Properties - Connection External Database - Change Object ID

Hello everyone,

We have a Project Object connected to an external Database. We've used the Project Number as the M-Files Object ID.
Unfortunately, we've noticed (a bit too late) that the customer was changing the Project Numbers on the external application which created inconsistent metadata in certain documents. We had documents where the project was removed/deleted because the Object ID was changed from the Project Number.

For example : The project was created in M-Files with Project Number 021004 and the Object ID with the same identifier.
The customer changed the Project Number to 622003 and the reaction on M-Files was that 021004 project was deleted, it only remained a project with the number 622003 without the history before that changement (Creation of 622003 Project)

We've asked the Database Projects Provider to add in the DB's view a unique identifier that we'll use as Object ID in M-Files.

My question is : Changing the object ID will unlink the project in the documents metadata right ? (Project deleted metadata)

Thanks for your answers,
Leitao Claudio