Use Managed Properties to calculate URL to a view


Say I have a view for the Invoices by Project. On each Project, I want to put a link to the view so I can see all invoices for this Project. I can then use this link in notifications f.e.

The link would look something like this (I prefix with but I ignore that for clarity):

m-files://viewid/<Vault GUID>/<View ID>/<Project ID>

I could use the Managed properties with placeholders to calculate this value automatically:

m-files://viewid/%VAULTGUID%/188/%OBJID% where 188 is the ID of my view (Invoices by Project).

I run into 2 issues:

  1. The Vault GUID placeholder contains the curly brackets and so the link is not valid
  2. 188 is the ID of my view in the Production vault. Even though I have the same view in the DEV and TEST vaults, their ID is different there. They probably have a GUID somewhere because it is possible to update the views using Content Replication and Archiving, so some kind of unique link between them must exist.

Both issues mean that I need different calculation rules on each environment (hardcoded vault GUID without the curly brackets + view ID in that vault). Is there a way around that? Having different configurations in each vault makes it much more error prone to deploy from one environment to the other...

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