New Case Study: M-Files Improves Invoice Process for Aluflexpack

New Case Study: M-Files Improves Invoice Process for Aluflexpack

Aluflexpack Novi is a part of Aluflexpack AG, one of the most integrated manufacturers of premium circular flexible packaging and barrier solutions. Operating in 16 locations in 9 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and the US with almost 1,600 highly skilled employees, they are converting aluminum, paper, and plastic films to high-quality final products: films and foils, lids, containers, and pouches.

By connecting all relevant documents in one place, M-Files significantly increased efficiency and productivity within the organization. Additionally, the system simplified the approval process, eliminating the need for constant printing and paper usage. Aluflexpack plans to further optimize their business processes by extending the usage of M-Files to other departments.

  • Connected content in a single point of access
  • Invoice approval time reduced from days to minutes
  • Seamless integration with an ERP system

“M-Files has become a crucial tool in our business, providing us not only with efficient document and process management, but also a foundation for further growth and development."
- Patrik Kokić, Head of Software Support, Aluflexpack

Partner: Unitfly

Read the full case study: Aluflexpack case study