Free 30-Day M-Files Trial - Share with your colleagues!

Free 30-Day M-Files Trial - Share with your colleagues!

We have exciting news to share - we have just launched a brand new 30-day M-Files free trial experience, and we'd love your help to spread the word!

The new trial is a cloud experience that takes users on a guided tour of key M-Files functionality, including a sneak peek at our new GenAI tool, M-Files Aino. (Not using M-Files Aino yet? Check out this short video to see what you're missing out on!)

The trial is now available to access from our website - please feel free to share the link with any colleagues, friends and peers who are not currently using M-Files and could benefit from automating their knowledge work!

Share this link with your colleagues: M-Files Free Trial

While you're welcome to check out the trial for yourself,  it's designed for people who are brand new to M-Files. A better way to experience some of the additional functionality you may not be using is to contact your account manager for a personalized demo - we're always happy to help.

What do you get by sharing with friends who are not using M-Files?

  • Expand your network’s expertise: Help friends outside your organization discover a powerful tool that can transform their document management.
  • Build stronger professional connections: Sharing valuable tools like M-Files strengthens your relationships and establishes you as a helpful resource in their professional journey.
  • Create new opportunities: If your friends adopt M-Files, it could open doors for future collaboration and partnerships, especially if your organizations work together.

Want to share the link to your colleagues by email? Use this template.