New Case Study: Hafslund Celsio Embraces Digital Transformation With M-Files

New Case Study: Hafslund Celsio Embraces Digital Transformation With M-Files

Hafslund Celsio is the largest district heating supplier in Norway, operating a vast network of 700 kilometers (434 miles) of district heating pipes under Oslo, Norway’s capital city. The company also owns and operates the country’s largest waste incineration plant, including electricity production. They are building a district cooling network and are at the forefront on Carbon capture and storage (CCS) as part of the Norwegian Longship project as one of two capture sites with agreement to permanent storage with Northern Lights on the Norwegian continental shelf.


  • More than 1,000,000 documents from multiple databases migrated to a single, central location
  • Improved efficiency in document-related tasks
  • Reduced risk of non-compliance and data breaches

"We’ve fortified data security and improved our administrative procedures with M-Files. Hafslund Celsio is now better equipped to handle records management complexities with greater precision and confidence."
- Kristine Kolstad, Documentation Lead, Hafslund Celsio

Read the full story: Hafslund Celsio