Success Story: Single Source of Truth with M-Files being in the core of Berggren's daily operations

Success Story: Single Source of Truth with M-Files being in the core of Berggren's daily operations

Berggren is a full-service intellectual property law firm with a long history of using M-Files.

In this video Mikko Pippuri tells how Berggren is using M-Files and how it has helped the company in their business for over a decade already, with M-Files Aino being the most recent addition!


  • Single source of truth with M-Files being in the center of everything
  • Efficient translation of foreign language documents and easy access to essential information with M-Files Aino

"In addition to our own AI solutions, we are using Aino assistant inside M-Files, where we translate foreign language documents and also our experts are asking important questions like finding due dates, but also all the employees who are handling foreign language documents like Chinese, Japanese, French, Portuguese documents. We have tens of thousands of foreign language documents and it's really handy to translate them to our users."

- Mikko Pippuri, Digitalisation Manager, Berggren

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