All the Ways M-Files Supports HR in the New Era of Working Remotely

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has created a challenge for us all — but few know this better than the dedicated HR employees who now have to figure out how to effectively do their jobs while working remotely.

Thankfully, M-Files has proven itself to be more than invaluable to that end, offering a wide array of different benefits to human resources officials both during and after the pandemic has finally left us behind.

Offering Superior Remote Access

Obviously, everyone needs "anytime, anywhere" access to key information while working from home and M-Files makes this easier than ever before. Everything is all in one place, making sure that the HR employees who need a document always have it, no matter what. Not only is everything inherently searchable based on what is INSIDE the document (not just what it's called), but this is also a way to keep information safe and secure as well. 

Automation, Automation, Automation

Everyone knows that collecting "wet signatures" when updating HR policies and procedures is time consuming on the best of days... to say nothing of how problematic this has become during the new era when everyone is working remotely.

Thankfully, M-Files can make this process easier by allowing you to send out a copy of new policies to all staff members, have them acknowledge it via a web browser, then instantly file it away in the appropriate folder — all via automated workflows that don't require HR employees to send out so much as a single email.

Support for a New Era of Leave Management

Thanks to the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken on us all, many companies are (understandably) seeing an increase in leave requests. With M-Files, it's now possible to create customized workflows that can be started by a manage to make sure that everyone who needs to be informed of such a request — like those in payroll, those dealing with benefits and others) are an organic part of the process in a way that also makes it easy to track actions as they're being taken.

Empowering Collaboration

Even though people aren't physically in the same place at the same time any longer, the need for collaboration is still paramount. Still, sending documents via email can not only create a confusing process that is prone to errors, but it can also cause even the most straightforward tasks to take up far too much time as well.

With M-Files, on the other hand, employees can now effortlessly share information with one another from the devices they're already comfortable using. Custom workflows can even be created to make sure that documents are always correctly routed from one person to the next as needed, thus empowering collaboration at a time when it is desperately needed. 

Employee Lifecycle Paperwork

In the COVID-19 era, remote employee onboarding is a pressing need for many organizations. Thankfully, M-Files enables this by allowing employees to complete all of their onboarding forms at home through a simple and easy-to-use web-based interface.

Once finished, those forms can then automatically be routed to the right HR professionals who can then file them away as needed. This same process can be leveraged whenever an employee exits the business, too — automating notices for everyone involved in this level of exit paperwork. 

Better Employee Management Documentation

Even though more people are working from home than ever, there are still certain needs that must be met. HR officials still need to manage and document employee performance, for example, along with all relevant certifications, licenses and training materials.

Thankfully, M-Files enables this by making sure that all insight ends up exactly where it needs to be: in that employee's file. This breaks down yet another potential data silo for information to get lost in, fueling better and more informed decisions moving forward.

It's All About That Return on Investment

Finally, perhaps the most important way in which M-Files supports your human resources efforts in the new era of working remotely comes down to how it can help you recoup as much money as possible from your initial investment.

Keep in mind that moving from the paper-based world into the digital realm can not only bring with it a significant cost savings in terms of square footage for your business, but also with regards to time saved as well.

You'll spend so much less time and money because you're no longer wading through reams of paper — allowing you to funnel more of those funds back into the business in areas where they can do the most good. Plus, you'll have more time in a day to focus on those matters that truly need you, which may very well be the most important benefit of all.