Important Notice: M-Files Hubshare Standalone Offering Deprecation

Important Notice: M-Files Hubshare Standalone Offering Deprecation

Dear Customers, 

We are reaching a milestone in the integration of our collaboration tools within the M-Files ecosystem. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our collaborative capabilities, we have important updates to share with you.

Discontinuation of Hubshare Standalone

 We are announcing the discontinuation of the "Hubshare Standalone" offering. From now on, Hubshare will no longer be available as a standalone product.

This decision aligns with our strategic goals for the next decade, aiming to create a more cohesive environment where all data and collaboration tools are unified under the M-Files and integrated Hubshare solution. Our objective is to streamline the Hubshare experience, transforming it into a seamless and intuitive collaboration portal fully integrated with M-Files.

How does this Impact you?

Customers primarily using the File module of Hubshare, with or without external connectors such as the iManage Connector, will be affected by the upcoming changes. The File module, along with the Hubshare Office and Outlook Plugins and the Hubshare iManage Connector, is set to be deprecated.

Customers using Hubshare without M-Files will be contacted by their account representative or partner in 2024. We are committed to assisting each affected customer in finding the best solution for their specific needs. The available options are:

  1. Purchase M-Files licenses and migrate your data from Hubshare to M-Files.
  2. If migration is not feasible, export your data from Hubshare and terminate your subscription as per your agreement.

Our goal is to ensure a smooth and efficient transition for all impacted customers.

Next Steps and Timeline:

  • The sunset and removal of the File module and other Hubshare capabilities not connected to M-Files are scheduled for June 30, 2025.
  • Starting in June 2024, the M-Files Team or partners will reach out to you to establish a personalized transition plan. This will ensure that each customer's needs are addressed effectively, and that the best possible solution is found on a case-by-case basis.

We created and FAQ document to help with questions or concerns you may have. It can be found here: Deprecation of the M-Files Hubshare Standalone Offering - A Technical FAQ.pdf 

Thank you,

The M-Files Team