M-Files Advanced Outlook add-in (MAO) Release - Version 23.3

I'm happy to announce we have released a new version of M-Files Advanced Outlook add-in (MAO) and it is available in Catalog.

Here are the main highlights and you can find more detailed version of release notes M-Files Advanced Outlook Add-In - Release Notes.pdf .

Improvement: Creation date formulated wrong
ID # 45414
Description: The original creation date of the document was replaced with the date the document was added to M-Files. Now, M-Files documents can now be uploaded with the original creation date.

Improvement: Whitespaces were ignored in the end of an attachment name
ID # 42672
Description: A bug was fixed where QuickFiling an attachment ignored whitespace at the end of a filename preventing items that had whitespaces at the end to be overwritten. Now the whitespaces are no longer ignored.