M-Files Hubshare - July 2024 Product Update

M-Files Hubshare - July 2024 Product Update

Welcome to M-Files Hubshare July 2024 Product Update, 

We are always committed to enhancing our platform to provide the best user experience possible. Now, we are thrilled to introduce our most recent updates, which were rolled out in July.

M-Files Hubshare Release

July 2024 release of Hubshare (v5.0.6) is a lighter version we are about to release during the Summer break, before having our next major release coming end of August (v5.0.7). This July's one comes with some improvements and defect fixes.

  1. New API route available to get end-users Activities in the M-Files Widgets

It was often requested by our partners and customers, and we made it! We are happy to release a new API route allowing to export the end-users' activities in Hubshare in the widgets connected to M-Files. It is possible to define the scope of the export (i.e by widget, by hub, by user). A large number of options are available for you to get the data you need.

This new API route will allow to extract essential information of the Hubshare usage to then exploit it in different scenarios:

  • Generate a consolidated log file with all activities in a hub per day.
  • Start automatically a process when a specific User has downloaded a document.
  1. Security improvement in Social module, Useful link widget and Hub Welcome message

We are always committed to delivering the safest product and service possible at M-Files. This Hubshare release also comes with an extra package of changes aiming to reinforce specific parts of the product that could have been exposed to XSS attacks.

We encourage our on-premise customers to update their Hubshare server as soon as this version will be made available to them in mid-August 2024.

  1. M-Files Application Account and Azure Service Principal can now be used to connect Hubshare to M-Files

Some of our customers were looking forward to being able to connect Hubshare to M-Files with the best security standards available. We now allow Hubshare to connect to M-Files by using Application Accounts and OIDC authentication provider such as Azure EntraID and the Service Principal concept.

  1. Various improvements related to the Metadata prefill when uploading documents in a View

We previously this year introduced improvements allowing to upload a document in a View and benefit from the metadata mapped to this view to prefill the metadata of the object created.

It is also now working when a new object is created when an end-user does some annotations on a document.

  1. M-Files One UI file icons used also in Hubshare

Hubshare was used to have its own package of file extension icons for years. We now decided to use the same package of icons as in M-Files in the M-Files connected widgets. The previous icons will remain in use in the standalone File Module of Hubshare.

  1. Various defects fixed around Export / Import hub configuration feature

Details are listed in the Release Note.

Release Details: 
Product: M-Files Hubshare
Version Number:
Cloud Update Schedule:
July 27, 2024

Access our full release notes: Release Notes

For information on how to use and configure M-Files Hubshare, please refer to these guides:
M-Files Hubshare User Guide
M-Files Hubshare User Guide - Admins
Setting Up and Using M-Files Plugin for Hubshare