M-Files - May 2024 Product Update

M-Files - May 2024 Product Update

Dear Customers, 

In our ongoing dedication to constant enhancement and ensuring optimal performance of our solution, we're thrilled to unveil the latest round of product updates for May.

Feature Enhancements: 

1. Simplified Navigation: 

  • Double-clicking a non-document object can be configured to take users to the first option of "Browse Relationships" of the object type. For example, users can double click on a Project object to get to the Documents related to that Project. This built-in view is configurable*. The double-click previously popped-up metadata card. That is still available via two options: via "Open in a new window" on the metadata card, or from "Properties" on the context menu.

2. Zero Click Filing: Metadata Card Suppressed:

  • Some users prefer navigating to a virtual folder and drag-and-dropping their documents. Whenever all mandatory metadata properties are known, M-Files will not pop-up the metadata card, to save time. This capability is only activated for the built-in views for now.

3. Search Always Defaults to View:

  • You can now configure a specific view (1) or use the Advanced Vault Settings to apply the configuration across an entire vault (2). This configuration, by default, limits quick search results to the current view (3).
  • Typically, the M-Files Quick Search function searches the entire vault regardless of the view you are in. However, with the configurations mentioned above, you can set it to search only within the current view by default. If needed, users can easily deactivate this restriction by unchecking the corresponding box (3).

4. Save PDF now available in M-Files Web: 

  • It is now possible to create a PDF copy on your computer by right clicking on a document and selecting Save as PDF.

5. Reinstatement of "Send as PDF by Email" sharing option: 

  • Based on your feedback, we've decided to reintroduce the "Send as PDF by Email" feature in this month's update, acknowledging its significance in various use cases.

6. Convert to PDF available in Web: 

  • Converting to PDF file, as an overwrite or a separate file, is now also available in M-Files Web

Release Details: 

Product: M-Files
Version Number: 24.5.13689.5
Cloud Update Schedule: 
May 19, 2024 
Download Availability: May 22, 2024
Access our full release notes: Release Notes
Download: Link

If you have any questions regarding M-Files May 2024 Product Update, please reach out to your account owner.

The M-Files Team