I am not familiar with how document collections are supposed to work.
- Are you supposed to use the same class for the collection as for its document members?
- If the document members are from different classes, do you use a specific class for the collection or just the "document" class?
- If you design specific classes for collections, how do you handle the fact that some people will want to use them for documents?
- How do you ensure the composition of a collection, such as having only invoice documents in an invoice collection?
- You can only see the documents in the "collection members" that you can only see in M-Files, so it means you are never sure the collection you see is complete. Doesn't that defeat the pupose of the collection?
- Don't users want to checkout all documents when they checkout a collection?
Anytime I need to use something similar to a document collection, I end up encountering a lot of cons... Is it foolish to simply get rid of this concept and use objects with multi-select properties?
My main questions are:
- Is there a good example where the document collection is the proper way to go?
- How do you ensure users are using it properly?
My Example: I tried to implement a document collection for invoices, but the client needed to add an Excel recap file on top of them. So I can't use the Hierarchy Manager easily (siblings states functions). I'd like to add a property to the collection dedicated to the recap file, but that doesn't mean users won't try to put it in the "collection members" property. If I want to filter, then I need a custom property, so it's simpler to use a new object type.
Thank you for your insight.
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