View of all task for a single (current) user


related to the topic "View for documents with an associated task", I am wondering whether there is an easy way to show all tasks (open & closed) assigned to a user in a single view.

I noticed when filtering "task object" AND "assigned to", the results contain only the open tasks.

I can get around by applying automatic permissions (e.g. changeable to creator and assignee, readable for the rest) and then apply filtering w.r.t. permissions. (Further grouping by the task creator gives a quite handy view.)

My question is: It is advisable to alter the permission of the built-in task object accordingly? And if not, what do you recommend to achieve a similar result?

Best regards,

  • Are these separate assignment objects?  If so then when the assignment is completed the user is moved to a different property.  If you do need these together then maybe a parent view which restricts to assignments, and then one sub-view that shows "current" and one that shows "past", each one with a slightly different filter to get the correct data.