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Is it possible to add a user to a usergroup via Metadata?

I have a simple project management M-Filed Vault.

A group of project managers have different /more rights than „default“ users.

The option, to (be) set (as) a project manager, is supposed to become a „flag“ within the employee object which only other project managers can edit.

Employee Object is:

- Name

- M-Files User-Account

- Is Project Manager („Flag“  Boolean or Valuelist (Yes/No))

This is supposed to be like that, so that the group of project managers can be edited within M-Files (without M-Files Admin, without editing the usergroup „project manager “ in M-Files Admin (or AD-Sync))

Is it possible to add a user to a usergroup via Metadata?

With NACLs you do can add permission through metadata on a certain object, but I’m „missing“ „the all employees with PM == true“ (or something like that )

Do I miss a point over there?

Is it even possible?

Thanks in advance


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