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Property Calculator: Update Related Objects

I am using Property Calculator for some functions of connecting objects.

My question is, is there a way to automatically change the object without changing Version on the document?

Our configuration works, only except automatic connection between them.

In the screenshot below you can see Original document created from template in M-Files.


When the signed document is scanned in the M-Files, it automatically connects the original and signed one using „Contract ID“ property.

Its integrated in template as a QR code separator.

As you can see per versions on screenshot, relation is not automatic as Managed Property modules can do.

Since I am using Property Calculator for this, I would also want to have them connect automatically.

I tried using „Update Related Objects“ part in PC but I was unlucky.

Above is a configuration and hopefully someone can help me out.

  • Hi,

    Could you please give some additional information:

    - Which version of PropertyCalculator is used?

    - What is the logic when unsigned version should be triggered? (when signed document is created, when some boolean property is changed to "yes", or what is the exact logic?)

    - What is the class of signed document? (Is it also Contract Zbirni?)

    - Where in signed document's metadata, this unsigned object is pointed?

    I can give you example configuration with explanation, but I need little more information to understand use case. Slight smile

  • Hi,

    Could you please give some additional information:

    - Which version of PropertyCalculator is used?

    - What is the logic when unsigned version should be triggered? (when signed document is created, when some boolean property is changed to "yes", or what is the exact logic?)

    - What is the class of signed document? (Is it also Contract Zbirni?)

    - Where in signed document's metadata, this unsigned object is pointed?

    I can give you example configuration with explanation, but I need little more information to understand use case. Slight smile
