Date to auto-fill +7 days

Hi everyone,

I am not sure whether this require scripting or it can be done via the admin.

Let's say that I have this 1 document class and in this class, I have a property "due date".

Normally, when we wanted to create a document of this class, we need to manually specify the date. Is there a way in which we can auto fill in the due date so that it will be next 7 days ? 
For instance, if I create the document now, inside the metadata, the due date will be displayed as 24-May-2023. Of course, the user can still amend the date later if require any changes. But normally, all the due date should be next 7 days.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Joonas,

    Thank you. 

    I have another question not related to the topic but related to the dynamic value. 

    Let say that I wanted to get the value from the other properties but from other object. Normally, we can just do this via the property definition, set it to text and in the custom placeholder, we can just enter something like %PROPERTY_1357.PROPERTY_1306%

    But when it comes to the dynamic value as per screenshot, I think referencing to other object's property is not supported in this feature ?

    I could not even search for a particular property that list out the objects. For instance: Property called Transmittal. And i wanted to retrieved the tranmisttal date properties.
