Create a view that list down all the version of the document

Hi everyone,

Usually, when we created a view, it will display the latest version. If we want to see the previous version, then we need to go to version history.

Is it possible if i create a view, in which it can list down all the previous version as well ? Or do we need to use version control lite for this ?

Parents Reply
  • This isn't possible with the built-in view export features. If this is an operation they need to do frequently, you may want to consider a custom UI extension that would export all versions of the single document. Or if these are controlled documents and they want to export all the published versions, then Version Control Lite might be an option using the multi-publish option in the configuration. You could then create a view that displays all the published versions (which is possible since these would be separate document objects, not versions of the same document).

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