Deadline - Assignment Object

Hi all,

I have few question regarding assignment object.

1. I understand that once the deadline is met, the notification will be send to the person that is assigned. Is this 1 time notification only ? Or will the notification be sent everyday until he/she complete the assignment ?

2. I understand that this deadline is set from the workflow configuration. For instance 2 or 3 days. However, is there a way we can do something like 2 working days ? This will exclude weekends. Any idea ?

  • 1. By default it is a one-time notification, but an admin should be able to modify the common notification rule "Reminder: Assigned to me" and change it to send reminders repeatedly.

    2. M-Files doesn't have any built-in capability to identify working days which can differ across the globe. You would need to create the assignments with a custom extension if you want them to take working days in your region into consideration.

  • 1. By default it is a one-time notification, but an admin should be able to modify the common notification rule "Reminder: Assigned to me" and change it to send reminders repeatedly.

    2. M-Files doesn't have any built-in capability to identify working days which can differ across the globe. You would need to create the assignments with a custom extension if you want them to take working days in your region into consideration.
