Custom Notifications Template is Set, but still sending default message format

I am setting up a custom notification message, but when the notification is sent out, the subject line still shows as: {Server Name}: New Object.

The notification is sent out when an object is created.

I have the following settings in Admin\Configurations\Advanced Vault Settings\Configuration\Notifications:

  • Allow Custom Notifications is set to 'Yes'
  • I created a Notification Rule (selecting the same rule I created in M-Files Client)
  • In the Notification rule, I set the Matched Filter Subject as my desired subject line.
  • In the Notification rule, I also set the Matched Filter Message as my desired message.

Somehow, the Notification Rule in the Desktop is not linked to the Admin settings, although in Admin, I selected the same rule.

What am I missing here? Please advise.
