Reminder via Workflow ?

Hi guys, I want to use a flow that sends a reminder to the assigned person after a certain but defined time, the reminder times are recorded in the form of hidden properties on the metadata card, how do I get the workflow to see if the date is equal to UTCNow and send a message.

  • You don't typically need to modify your workflow to send reminders, these can be set up in the notification rules. There should be a built-in rule called "Reminder: Assigned to me" which you can refer to as an example. It uses the Deadline property with the DaysTo operator to check when the reminder should be sent.

  • You don't typically need to modify your workflow to send reminders, these can be set up in the notification rules. There should be a built-in rule called "Reminder: Assigned to me" which you can refer to as an example. It uses the Deadline property with the DaysTo operator to check when the reminder should be sent.

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