Placeholder Value Not Working

I created some custom notifications in the Advanced Vault Settings\Configuration\Notifications\Notification Templates.

The notifications work, however, I the placeholder values are not working.  The output email notification shows: %PROPERTY_{xxxxxxx} instead of the actual metadata.

Did I miss a setting here? 

Parents Reply
  • Hi Craig.

    I added it to the Notification Templates\Email Templates section.

    From the Email Templates, I click on the gear icon (circled below)

    Then there's a button to insert the placeholder


    When I click on 'Insert Placeholder' button, it allows me to select the property/placeholder and it put it between brackets {}.

    I select the property/placeholder as part of the text notification.

    This is what shows up as part of the email subject instead of the actual property.

    I get the same results when I put placeholders in the email message.
