OCR flag

Is there any flag in MFiles that the document has OCR layer?

Use case: Customer has contracts with OCR without signatures. Users usualy replace versions with OCR (without signatures) with new scan (pdf) with signatures but without OCR.
I need to identify which documents do not have an OCR layer.

  • There is not natively, no.  You could have some custom code (event handler, custom property value, etc.) that perhaps checks the file type and, if it's a PDF or similar, calls GetTextContent.  If any text content is returned then it's got a text layer, otherwise it does not.

    There's a performance overhead to do this of course, so that would be something to consider with large volumes of content.

  • If the customer has the license to use M-Files Discovery, you can configure it to search for PDFs that don't have any machine-readable text in them (regex (?<value>.\n) with inverted match).

    If you can affect how the signed documents are imported to M-Files, you could also perform OCR as part of the import process for instance via external file sources. And of course there are also electronic signing solutions available that would get rid of this issue and the scanning overhead.

  • Even though I didnt get the (not expected but) wished answer, that „Yes, theres a way how to identify nonOCR PDFs“, I appreciate your answers.

    MFiles Discovery – No. Customer has Base license and go to Business just because of this functionality would not have the cost-benefit effect.

    Customer use for OCR:
    1. Import via external file source

    1. local electronic signiture solution (someting similar to DocuSign)
    2. creating OCR layer in WF step via script

    Even though there are lets call it human errors caused by not following the agreed procedures (when one PDF is replaced by another – pitty shame MFiles does not alert user about the possibility to convert imported document to OCR version).

    Anyway thanks for the link to electronic signing solutions. I will discus with customer the „Advanced Support for Handwritten Signatures“ process.