Problem with configuration


I added one more property to my VAF configuration (although that probably isn't the issue here) and installed the VAF and sometime later I tried to set a value for the new configuration property and started getting this error:

[Void OnConfigurationUpdated(TSecureConfiguration, Boolean, Boolean)], IL:27, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[Void PopulateFromConfiguration(Boolean)], IL:33, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[Void PopulateFromConfiguration(TSecureConfiguration, Boolean)], IL:1070, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[System.Nullable`1[System.DateTimeOffset] GetNextExecution(System.Nullable`1[System.DateTimeOffset])], IL:144, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[System.Nullable`1[System.DateTimeOffset] GetNextExecution(System.Nullable`1[System.DateTimeOffset])], IL:260, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[Boolean Any[TSource](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[TSource])], IL:21, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[Boolean MoveNext()], IL:43, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[Void .ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[TElement])], IL:114, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[Boolean MoveNext()], IL:78, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[Boolean MoveNext()], IL:95, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[System.Nullable`1[System.DateTimeOffset] <GetNextExecution>b__0(MFiles.VAF.Extensions.ScheduledExecution.Trigger)], IL:0, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. 0x80131509)
[System.Nullable`1[System.DateTimeOffset] GetNextExecution(System.Nullable`1[System.DateTimeOffset], System.TimeZoneInfo)], IL:47, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[System.Nullable`1[System.DateTimeOffset] GetNextExecution(System.Nullable`1[System.DateTimeOffset], System.TimeZoneInfo)], IL:0, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
[System.Nullable`1[System.DateTimeOffset] GetNextExecutionIncludingNextDay(System.Nullable`1[System.DateTimeOffset], System.TimeZoneInfo, Boolean)], IL:79, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
Void ThrowInvalidOperationException(System.ExceptionResource)], IL:16, Tyhjäarvon sallivalla objektilla on oltava arvo. (0x80131509)
(M-Files 24.9.14055.3 2024-10-24T18:55:45.771Z)

Now I'm unable to save the configuration, it always gives out this error. Looks like it is coming from the recurrence-classes, but not quite sure what's the issue and which configuration property causes this as there is no mention of that.

I tried clearing the configuration by emptying all from the Advanced JSON-configuration window and then saving the configuration but I still get that same error. This is very puzzling as all the recurring task configurations have behaved very well so far and I haven't done anything different with my new configuration property either, it's very similar the existing ones that worked earlier. I'm not even sure if that's really the issue as I haven't tried to modify the configuration for a while so not quite sure when this problem might have actually started. Also it's quite weird that even clearing the configuration doesn't allow saving without that error.

I did upgrade yesterday to MFiles.VAF.Configuration 24.10.3 and MFiles.VAF.Extensions 24.10.73 and MFiles.VAF 24.5.714.1 so I wonder if there is some incompatibility issue somewhere?

Any ideas what to try next or how to debug the issue? I guess I would be happy if just could clear the whole VAF-configuration from the M-Files-server and just start with the default configurations from the VAF and then adjust what is needed, but not sure how I can even do that because I can't clear the configuration from the server.

  • Ok, can confirm that version updates to VAF-dependencies broke the configuration and by downgrading versions I got this working.

    This set works for me:

    <PackageReference Include="MFiles.Crypto">
    <PackageReference Include="MFiles.VAF">
    <PackageReference Include="MFiles.VAF.Configuration">
    <PackageReference Include="MFiles.VAF.Configuration.Logging.NLog">
    <PackageReference Include="MFiles.VAF.Extensions">
    <PackageReference Include="MFilesAPI.Extensions">

    And this breaks the configuration and along with it, recurring tasks:;

    <PackageReference Include="MFiles.Crypto">
    <PackageReference Include="MFiles.VAF">
    <PackageReference Include="MFiles.VAF.Configuration">
    <PackageReference Include="MFiles.VAF.Configuration.Logging.NLog">
    <PackageReference Include="MFiles.VAF.Extensions">
    <PackageReference Include="MFilesAPI.Extensions">

    As there are multiple versions between those, can't say for sure what was the version where things broke, but I'll probably try updating later versions one-by-one to figure out what version breaks the configuration.

  • In general you should keep the package updates to be the same as those which are mandated by the nuget package (i.e. if MFiles.VAF requires exactly Interop.MFilesAPI version 24.6.2 then that is what you should have).

    These restrictions are in place for exactly this reason.  In general nuget should respect those version requirements but there are ways and means to override it.

  • Yeah, sounds like that's the issue here. What is the "main" dependency that one can/should update to latest version and then have every other version according to its dependency constraints? Would it be perhaps the Interop.MFilesAPI or MFiles.VAF...?

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